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Lamb Chops
Raw Beef Steak
Raw Beef

An introduction to


What is Halal

Islam is not a mere religion. It is a way of life with rules and manners governing every facet of life. Since food is an important part of daily life, food laws carry a special significance. Muslims are expected to eat for survival, to maintain good health and not to live for eating. In Islam, eating is considered to be a matter of worship of God like prayer, fasting, charitable donations and other religious activities.


A Muslim eats to maintain a strong and healthy physique in order to be able to contribute his knowledge and effort for the welfare of the society. Muslims are supposed to make an effort to obtain the best quality nutritionally.


It is mentioned in a Hadith that the prayer of a person is rejected by Allah if his food is haram. Another Hadith states that hell-fire is more deserving of the flesh which has been nourished with haram.


Australia is a multicultural and multi-religious country. The problem of Halal-Haram with respect to food thus becomes an issue because some non-Muslims may not understand the problems and sensitivities of the Muslims.

This is compounded by the fact that Australian manufacturers are either unaware of Muslims requirements or choose to ignore them as insignificant.


It is therefore in this situation that the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils is endeavoring to establish the highest standards in the sanctioning of foods as Halal.


In general every food is considered lawful in Islam unless it is specially prohibited by the Qu'ran or the Hadith. By official definition, Halal foods are those that are:


  • Free from any component that Muslims are prohibited from consuming according to Islamic law.

  • Processed, made, produced, manufactured and/or stored using utensils, equipment and/or machinery that has been cleansed according to Islamic law.

  • Free from contamination while prepared or processed with anything considered Najis (filthy).


According to the current Islamic thinking, the following are considered Najis and therefore Haram (unlawful, prohibited):

  • Swine including all by-products.

  • Insects considered ugly or filthy such as worms, lice, flies, etc.

  • Animals with fangs such as tigers, lions, cats etc.

  • Birds that have talons with which they catch their prey such as owls, eagles, etc.

  • Animals which Islam encourages to kill such as scorpions, centipedes, rats etc.

  • Dogs

  • Animals which Islam forbids to kill such as bees etc.

  • Animals which have toxins, poisons or produce ill effects when eaten such as some fish etc.

  • Amphibian animals such as crocodiles, turtles, frogs etc.

  • Meat (limbs, tails etc.) which have been cut from a live animal.

  • Lawful animals not slaughtered according to Islamic rites. (Fish is exempt from slaughtering).

  • Carrion or dead animals.



  • Poisonous Plant.

  • Intoxicating Plant



  • Poisonous drinks

  • Intoxicating drinks



  • Faeces and urine

  • Placental tissue

  • Blood


Products made from the following substances are Halal unless containing or come into contact with a Haram substance

  • All plant and their products

  • Certified Halal meat, poultry, game birds and animals.

  • All water creatures, fish, crustaceans and molluscs.

  • Egg from acceptable birds only.

  • Rennet from certified Halal slaughtered calves

  • Non animal rennet (NAR, culture)

  • Gelatine produced from certified beef skins and/or bones.

  • Animal ingredients certified Halal


The conditions required for Halal slaughter of animals and birds are:

  • The abattoirs or factory must be under the close and constant supervision of a religious organisation, namely AFIC.

  • The premises, machinery and equipment must be classed according to Islamic Shariah (law) before any production takes place.

  • The slaughterman must be a mature, pious Muslim of sound mind who understands fully the fundamentals and conditions relating to Halal slaughter and be approved by the religious authorities.

  • Only acceptable live animals and birds can be slaughtered.

  • The slaughter must be done manually using a steel knife.

  • Facilities must be available for rinsing the knife after each kill.

  • The slaughterman must sever the respiratory tract, oesophagus and the jugular vein.

  • The animal must be completely dead before skinning can take place.

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